Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lecture Notes, Wed. June 18

Nouns and Pronouns

Person, place, thing, quality or idea

Miss Golden, California, Beer, Freedom

Main Functions:

► Subject: Larry looks bored.

Subjective complement: It is a pizza.

► Direct object: Jim ate the sandwich.

► Indirect object: Tucker gave the crumpet to Lisa.

► Object of preposition: The bread is in the box.

Pronouns and Antecedents

Antecedent = the noun to which the pronoun refers:

► Jake brought someone with him to the party.

► Peyton Manning is a jerk. I hope he loses soon.


Modify nouns and pronouns

My brother was sad because the Lakers lost the game.


Modify verbs: manner, time, place, frequency, degree

►The child quickly ran to the store.


► Coordinating: FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). These combine two independent clauses.

I like scary movies, but my sister hates them.

Subordinating: Connect dependent and independent clauses

Because I was scared, I left the movie theatre.

Prepositions: Express a relationship between the object of the preposition and the rest of the sentence.

► Kramer prepared the salad in the shower.

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