Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Text Messaging" Reading Question- due Wednesday by 9:00 pm

In your own words, write a brief summary of this reading.
(There is no word limit for the response, but make sure that your summary has enough specific details that are important in the reading!)


Sam Song said...

I think that the author is on text messager's side even though the author is not that good at text messaging. He thinks that text messaging is nothing to do with grammar because the grammar issue is related to the education, not mobile phones. He said that young teachers don't even know what they are supposed to teach because they were not taught by their their teachers.
Text messaging is the succinct way to communicate. It should just convey the meaning of the senders, or the receivers might feel that it takes forever to read it. And, email is similar to text messaging. It is not writing letters, but writing short memos. What the author values is efficiency. If we like to, we could be informal as long as people understand what we are talking about.

I think that it could be one type of communications. When we should be formal, we have to. But, we don't need to be formal in every conversations. Sometimes, it is way better if you send succinct messages unless we cannot write formal statements.
Besides, it might not go forever. Once children appreciate literature, they don't even care about text messaging. It is not a literature, but a certain culture. Not only can language be changed, but also culture can be. I think that it is more possible that culture can be more easily changed than language itself. Nevertheless, teachers should teach children what is tne beauty of English, literature, and even grammar.
We'll see after 10 years or something. I bet what we value cannot be easily changed.

mehdi said...

I believe that the writer has completely rejected the idea of Dr. Ken Lodge about the text massaging that the new method communication in teenager is destroying the literacy and she has criticized education system. Also she thinks that it’s wrong way assessing grammar knowledge of younger generation according to their text massages.
At first, she has censured the instruction system in the country and specially for learning English language. She claimed that teaching English grammar is not following good procedure and as a result, it’s not useful and practical for students and they almost can’t learn any thing. She declared that it’s because instruction system in some countries hasn’t had a clear method in the past and also currently and therefore some inexperienced teacher even don’t know what they should teach.

In addition, she believes that text massage is not an appropriate way for evaluating grammar knowledge of people, because according to her, massaging is not related to grammar too much. She believes that, people use text massage because they just prefer to have easier way for communicating to each other and avoid to writing a grammatical massage that causes trouble for both the sender and receiver.

However, form her notice about buying a new cell phone and encouraging people especially teenager to send text massage, I think maybe she is concern of promotion this idea even for writers and teachers.

mehdi said...

Dear Sam,
I personally believe that text massaging is not a good way for communicating. Although, it maybe cost less money compare to writing a good grammatical text, however I think we should try to write and send correct massage instead of short and wrong text. I can't come up with this kind of massaging even it be cheaper and easier to send. I prefer write a complete and correct sentence and improve my grammar, even it takes a couple more time.
I think every body can understand the meaning of correct massage but, fewer people can figure out the meaning of text massage.

Abdu said...

Teenagers use shorts shortenings when they type text messages, some people couldn’t realize or understand the expressions when they get the messages and read them. Some people as Dr. Ken Lodge mentioned that the text messaging is destroying literacy. He refuses to change letters to numbers. His idea was people use strange way to communicate and what is the effect on people especially university students when they write English.

Text messaging should have bad grammar, but we can consider it is just a note not a formal letter. If someone sends a text message with short words which has numbers to his friend, the receiver can understand it and gets his friend's idea.
The author mentioned when she bought a new mobile phone, his friend told her she bought the same model of her mobile phone and it turns her text messages into correct words.

Some people thought when they using a correct form of address, that made them infinitely superior to people who reply to them with Ok. But there are some people surprising think people who writes emails perfectly they have much free time.

There is a thing the author makes her concerned which is when people write with no comma or no capital letters and write word wrongly. Because of these problems, she is against them and feels sorry for who use the ex-schoolteacher.

We know the e-mail is useful for us and use it to save money and time, but we shouldn't write a message has short words which may makes people confuse what we mean.

michelle said...

I think the use of text messaging is normal in nowadays, especially among the youth. And from the reading the author is on the side of it. I think it isn’t meant that it is a kind of fashion, and it is an outcome of the new world. It doesn’t challenge the grammar issue of education. It is a new way to communicate with others and it make the life seems succinct somehow. It is another way for people to express their emotion on phone, e-mail or memo. In fact the text messaging has nothing to do with the grammar. It is only a method to send information effectively. In modern world people can use two kinds of different ways in the right situation, and thus benefit people at the same time.

michelle said...

i agree with Mehdi that the writer has completely rejected the idea of Dr. Ken Lodge about the text massaging that the new method communication in teenager is destroying the literacy and she has criticized education system.

Abdu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abdu said...

I don’t agree with Mehdi when he mentioned that the text messages are not a good way for communication. Especially about write a message has grammar correctly. May you mean for old people who can't understand all short messages?In this case, we can send them complete messages have correct grammar. But they are not a lot of people to send them messages. Almost people who receive our messages and send us short message are same or near our ages and have enough idea what every symbol means. I believe that text messaging couldn’t affect on our writing because we work or study and we separate using words in text message with formal writing. may b 1 dy u'll b a writr 4 txt mesg.

Jake said...

Author’s opinion is that the text messaging is not destroying literacy, and grammar is not the most important to communicate with other people. It means text messaging is helpful for communication even though some people said text messaging like mobile phone message can make grammar destroy.
First, he against the Dr. ken Lodge’s opinion that is text messaging destroy literacy. Second, he mentions destroying grammar is caused by education using his experience about learning grammar. He said “my education in English grammar stopped with nouns(being words), verbs(doing words), adjective(describing words).” Then he indicates that there are some problem about education of grammar. Third, he gives an example(e-mail) to us. He says Email is closer memo-writhing than letter-writing.
In short, He admits text messaging is one of communication method.

April said...

The author is a person who is not good at using text message, but she is not so negative about text messaging. Also, she disagrees with Dr. Ken Lodge’s opinion. Dr. Ken Lodge insists that text messaging destroys literacy, and makes people use strange words. However, the author thinks that text messaging is separated from grammar, and text messaging is just note writing. It is succinct and numerical, and it has no difficulty in communication. The problem, which is caused by people’s use of text messaging and email, is not grammar but sloppiness.

Ami said...

The author disagrees the idea that the literal ability of young people is declining because of the text messaging. The author doubted that it is a problem of the technology. It is obvious that grammar of today’s young people is poor. However, it is not because of the cell phone. It is educational problem. Young teachers don’t even know what to teach when teaching grammar. Text messaging is not a letter. It is like a note. It is very short, but we can tell what it exactly means. Text messaging and email are sloppy, but they don’t weaken grammar skill. They also provide opportunities for us to have communication easily.
In my opinion, if people learned grammar a lot at school, it would not be a problem. However, I want to point out that the cell phone takes time for students to study. Therefore, it could be a cause of declining literacy. In Japan, young people who cannot write Chinese character have been increasing. I think Japan is facing more dangerous situation than the U.S.

Ami said...

April's comment is easy and simple, so I liked it.

kstella said...

Nowadays many young people are using wrong grammar and words, when they send text messages.Dr. Lodge said,"It's a weird way to communicate." He has negative thinking about this. But, In my opinion, we don't need to use formal languages in informal situation. To use formal language in everyday may waste energy. And almost all countries have their language like English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, something like that. It already has original own language. But, as time goes by, They have been changing by people used those laguages. Because something we need adds in the languages more, in the other hands, something is removed from the languages. I think languages the young used is a kind of language culture and history. Actually, I cannot convince text massage languages make their own languages transform.
But, It should affect their own languages after long time. It is not meaning that it is totally changed. It will be changed as we need like almost all languages have their own culture and history.

Le said...

According the author, text messaging is the new way to communication of young people but it is not the good way, it is destroying the literacy. Text messaging just focused on the meanings of the senders and the receivers understood what they mean. Text messaging is just note-writing and has very little to do with grammar.
And another kind of text messaging is email. It s more likely memo-writing than letter-writing. Please be informal and succinct when using email because it is considered to ease communication.

Le said...

I agreed with April that the author is not good at using text message and text message should be separated from grammar, and just a note writing.

datpham said...

This reading discuss about what makes text messaging become incomprehensible and the role of grammar in this case. Although the author like original writing, she does not agree with someone like Dr. Ken who defines that text messaging with signs and abbreviations pulls down knowledge. There are many ways to use grammar , the importance is readers can understand what is the meaning of write want to say. So it is accepted when the youth send messages on mobile phone succinctly and numerically. This is just another way of communication. The problem is not the grammar , is sloppiness. It is difficult to understand when a text messaging comes with many mistakes in spelt or capital .

Vivian Fong said...

Accoding to the topic,,author is talking about text messaaging.Author think that there is a bad influnence for people talk to each other, and affact university students English standard. He thinks that grammar is very important and need to teach by teachers. Therefore, writers don't agree with Dr.Lodge..However, teaching grammar is still not common nowadays. Also, there is very little grammar in the text message. Moreover, the author gives some examples about the terrible text message.

Futhermore, writer feel confess to read an email if there are no correct grammar.Actually,,,author know that email is supposed to easy understand and communicate. Then, people no need write so formal in their emails..

For me...I think when we write an email or text massages..we not suppose to use right grammar,,we just want our friends easy to know what u are going to talk about..but..this might affact our English standard. When we take a writing exam, we cannot easy to use correct grammar. As a result, I think teacher need educate students more grammar knowledge and help students to use correct grammar in their email or text massages.

April said...

I think that it is convenient and useful to use text messages. However, text messaging is actually eroding people’s writing skills. Teenagers usually use words and sentences, which are shortened and substituted number for letters, when they send a message. Then, as they are used to using these words, they can forget original form. For that reason, teenagers who are poor at grammar and punctuation are on the increase.

Vivian Fong said...

i agree with Ami,,,,her point is good~

Sam Song said...

I think Madhi has a point. It will improve our conversation skills, and writing skills as well. I agree with you, Madhi. However, I think it could be possible that even short text message is helpful. Learning English is not only about speacking and writing correctly, but also a learning process of American culture. Text messaging is an important culture to learn, too. In this sense, it can help us improve English skills. Does it make sense?
I know reading and writing have a better effect on learing.;)

Vi Tran said...

In the article, Dr. Ken Lodge values using text messaging as a very bad way in writing paper or communication. He emphasizes lack of its grammar might make readers misunderstand meaning of words and be unrespected to high ranker or older. In fact, there are already text messaging problem with university student, most young people can not differentiate between formal and informal language and but that is not their fault. Nobody has ever taught them how to focus on grammar at an standard writing letter. On the contrary, the author stands up for conveniences of text messaging. First, it is so simple to create a message, compose an email, take note. Second, it take a little more time to read or write. Third, it just focus a little on grammar. Therefore, text messaging should be a common succinct way in informal communication but it must be easy to understand for everyone.

datpham said...

i don't agree with Abdu. I think almost old peolpe don't use text message , they just like talking directly. It would be so boring when receive a text on cell phone from an old man. Actually, text message with lovely and fun language only for the YOUTH ^^!

Vi Tran said...

i disagree with April that "there is no difficulty in text messaging communication". in fact and in author's opinion, there are some real problems when some people use text messaging and email so sloppy so that recipients can not understand what they said. Another problem is text messaging was used on formal writing such as paper in work or socially that affects user's benefit. All of them, text messaging is ongoing popular because of many its conveniences in modern life.

thanh hai said...

In "Text Messaging" (Jennie Bristow), the author mentioned that literacy is being destroyed by text messaging. The young people who use text messaging are usually abbreviate the English language by number for letters. The author indicated that the reader can lose the meaning of message because it is lack of grammar. In this writing, the author also highlighted that young people who write e-mail by informal wait can lose the letter writing skill. However, the author pointed out that email is a good way to communicate because it save time; but when using text messaging and email we have to ensure that other people can understand what the message mean.

Kristin Golden said...

Dear students,
Wonderful comments! It seems like this reading was a bit more interesting and easier than the other ones, right?? I think you'll be ready for the quiz!

thanh hai said...

Some student just wrote their opinion about the reading. They did not write the summary. Sorry about that...

thanh hai said...

Sorry Miss Golden. I always post latest... I had a trouble with my Internet. So sorry!