Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Same Old Song"

Please respond to the questions below in your own words. Then, respond to another student's post. Posts are due by Thursday, June 19th at 8:00 PM. There will be a short reading quiz on Friday morning in class on comprehension of this reading. Your responses should be approximately 150-250 words (about one big paragraph).

Why is some of today's music offensive to some adults? What do you think the author means in paragraph 3 when she writes "Things get racheted up a notch with every generation. You're not rebelling if you're listening to the same stuff your parents did" (Ali, 289). How does the author say that today's music rebels against society? (name at least 2 things from paragraphs 6-7).


Vivian Fong said...

According to the paragraph, some adults dislike some of today's music, it is because different period, there are different type of music,,,parents should be difficult to accept today's music.For example, in the paragraph,the Oedipal psychodramma in the door"The End"(1967),:"Father,I want to kill u!,Mother,I want to .."it's shows that todays songs or somethings are totally different with before. Then, parents will be afarid some todays flim or some songs have a bad influence to their childern.
Today's music rebels against society women are being debased in ever more degrading ways, excess and greed are extolled as worthy attributed and gay-bashing serves as a mark of deep-down daring.Also,the Internet offers the promise of an under-the-radar musical bohemia where an alternative sound might lie low long enough to flourish,the touble is,most stuff on the Web is so far under the radar that a potentially supportive fan base can't find it.

Le said...

Hello Ms. Golden

Le said...

According to the paragraph, the young generation tend to listen different kinds of today's music, they do not like to listen the same kind of music with their parents.
Some of situations in the films or video are murdered and violent. For example, Father, I want to kill you! or Mother, I want to..... arrgh. Their parents afraid one day their children will become aggressive, violent and have bad behaviour when listen to these kinds of music. This made their parents embarrassed and cannot excepted as well.
Today's music rebels against society, according to the author, women are being debated in even more degrading ways, excess and greed are extolled as worthy attributes and gay-bashing serves as a mark of deep down daring
Besides, the internet offers the promise of an under radar musical bohemia, morever, most stuff on the Web is so far under the radar that a potentially supportive fan base can't find it.

Sam Song said...

I agree with Le. Not only does music rebel against mainstream culture, but also film, drama, and all of the entertainments are against society for some reason. They try to push the limit a little bit further.
That's why parents cannot take those entertainments because those who were against their parents are now being criticized by their children. It will be never-ending story.
I think the entertainment business should make money, and definitely, they know that who is credulous and who's going to spend money impetuously by buying their products. Maybe they provoke musitians to make contentious songs. Does it make sense?
See you soon, guys.

Sam Song said...
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Sam Song said...

Why today's music is rebellious against society, I think, is pop music is always like that. I mean, that is what pop music does.
The thing is the contention is getting worse and worse from generations to generations, and that is what the author means in this sentence. Those who rebelled against society are now blamed by a younger generation who has worse arguments. Therefore, as time goes by, only rebellion gets bigger and bigger.
In case that I listen to what my parents did, I may agree with their opinions which are some boundaries for me. I would rather listen to gangsta raps, hardcore music, and even Eminem's raps if I am against the borders.
Besides, the author describes the pop songs rebels against political correctness, such as the condition of women, gays, lesbians and minorities. They are against every majority, even normal parents of the prospect listeners. What they usally say is "Father I want to kill you" or something worse. As the author said, "Eminem moves the ball forward by collapsing both parents into a single Bad Mommy to be raped and murdered."
All in all, music is always rebellious against society, and it is going to be the same as the title "Same Old Song" shows us.

Jake said...

I think the reason why today’s music is offensive to some adults is young people usually do not like to obey to something. They want to change their situations themselves, they want to be independent people, and they want to be different from another people. Thus, they have had a rebellious attitude is natural. Automatically, young generation’s music must be offensive to some adults because they want old generation to change, and they want to be a unique person. "Things get ratcheted up a notch with every generation. You're not rebelling if you're listening to the same stuff your parents did." It means old generations do not understand younger generations’ music that is violent, and rebellious in the every generation, so generation gap is going to be bigger and bigger. At that moment the music against political correctness, such as elevating condition of woman, minorities and gays according to 6th paragraph. Shortly, Same Old Song let us know that each generation’s music has a rebellious mind to old generations.

michelle said...

From this reading, it is obvious that there is a generation gap between adults and children whatever periods of time. Adults always try to make sense of there own ideas which comes from their experiences. However children want to be themselves. So what can they do? Music. That is why hundreds of offensive music is popular among the young guys. They can find and release themselves in the music. But that is totally offensive to the adults.

"Things get ratcheted up a notch with every generation. You're not rebelling if you're listening to the same stuff your parents did" I think the author means if you did what the parents told you, you will be out of fashion. You have no special personality. You are normal among the people and never think about what you really want to be and lost yourself anyway.

The answers for the last question from paragraphs 6-7 are "Women are being debased in ever more degrading ways, excess and greed are extolled as worthy attributed and gay-bashing serves as a mark of deep-down daring." "The Internet offers the promise of an under-the-radar musical bohemia where an alternative sound might lie low long enough to flourish, the trouble is, most stuff on the Web is so far under the radar that a potentially supportive fan base can't find it."

michelle said...

Apparently I agree with Jake in some parts of his comment. It’s no doubt that every kind of offensive results is the way to release or express the emotion from the children. In some cases they want to be unique and independent. Rebellious is a kind of nature. Everyone has it. It was born with the birth. However I don’t think the young generation is trying to revise adults. Indeed they don’t care what the adults are thinking about. The young guys only want to be themselves.

Le said...

I strongly agreed with Michelle opinion.
Young generation always do what they think and tend to follow the new styles. In the development of the society with high speed growing of technology, young generation have enough conditions to do what they want. Besides, the growing up of technology strongly support them to do it.
However, entertainment, especially music is an important part of life so it is very difficult for the old generation forbid their children listen to different kinds of music today and consequently, the effects of today's music can not be inconsideration.

kstella said...

Hi, I am stella. I agree with my classmates. I add to these opinions, There are diverse kinds of musics in world. This meaning is almost people have a different thinking to world. Some of people want to express their mind through music. It seems like to be a kind of them. But, Problem is these kinds of music makes some problem such as Children do not respect their parents, have negative mind or thinking and rebell against society they breathe. I think it is OK to who can judge about the message in song is good or bad.
But, We know about children are immature. So, we have to control they do not hear these kinds of musics.
I know It is difficult because We can hear those kinds of somgs we want anywhere. But, We have to minimize to children hear and effet to them from these kinds of songs.

Vivian Fong said...

I agree with Jake..the same as u think.....In my opinion ,nowadays,teenagers want to be more independent,,,they want to show off their ability to their parents...and..they also want to be an unique they changed the old song generations...young people want to have their own gangsta raps, hard rock music,,,however..because the lyric are not meaningful...adults won't like these kinds of misic..also,,adults may think it's had a bad influence to the relationship between parents and children will change bad because they have a different point of view to the music!!
For me,,differnt generation have different culture...however...government should be do more education to the youuth that do not have a bad influrenece from the music.
This is my opinion!Thanks!!
hope u guys have a nice day!!

mehdi said...

Dear Ms. Golden,
This is mehdi
I hope you are doing well.

Generally this text is about the different aspects of American Music, their effects in the society and finally change of notion and meaning of music form people to the their next generation.

At first the passage indicates that there is a tendency for children in younger age for listening to Pop Music. Some parents believe that these music aren’t appropriate for their kids and may have some unsuitable impacts on them and it can causes some aggressive behavior on younger generation and from this point, they might involve in some challenge with their younger children (Answer to question #1). For Example some elder people are worry about their children if they are listening to some band like Sex pistol or Public Enemy. This idea can come from two different imaginations: First parents want their children obey from them and do or listen any thing that they feel is correct. However other parents may have some experience of these music and they prefer their kids avoid listening to them.

In addition, according to the passage, there is different kind of Western music which each of them can represent substantial word to the people of that society or even to the world. Besides singing, some music’s band criticizes or praises some particular class of people in the society. For instance, some music’s band has criticized politician, however other has singed about some relationship between people like sex or even violence and we can say that it can be kind of rebellion against society. (Answer to question #3) However, it’s not a rule and some singers do that just for fun.
Finally the Text has mentioned that, although there had been many Music Bands, but none of them were stable. As Ali said "Things get ratcheted up a notch with every generation. You're not rebelling if you're listening to the same stuff your parents did" it means that many of these Bands have changed with every generation according to life style, social requirement and maybe improving of technology. (Answer to question #2)
It seems to me that there can be a crucial challenge among every generation in the past or future according to their concept of the Music and social condition and even the change of the custom.

All the best

Le said...

Original sentences: Parts of speech
Topic: Music

1. I love to listen to music.
2. My friend invited me to go to Britney Spear live show.
3. One of my colleagues, Ms. Linda, plays piano very well so she's proud about this.
4. My husband plays guitar extremely well.
5. I am willing to meet Micheal Jackson, the most famous singer in over the world, in the United States.
6. I refused to go to the cinema with my friend because I scared horrible film.
7. I love the rhythm of pop music but I do not like the songs with bad words.

datpham said...

in my opinion, some of today's music offensives to some adults because of the difference in thinking between generations. Our life is more and more modern ,but some adults who have conservative mind do not accept the change . This leads to the conflict between youths and adults. And the rebellion of the youth is performed through out music .
according to the sentence " things get racheted up a notch with every're not rebelling if you're listening to the same stuff your parents did " in paragraph three . I think ,the author aims to out-model of previous generations. Old attitude is not suitable for new era . Each generation has its style music . Adults can not understand what the youths are thinking and doing. And they think new style music is horrible with bad and strange lyrics . In the other hand, youths think that classic music is boring.
today's music rebels against society : new music styles discovered in 80's and 90's (rap and grunge ) use the left side of society in many fields , such as trade, life style of hollywood stars and violence as song material. The purpose of artists is let us know the bad and the necessary of the change to make our society better . For example , a song about Mc Donald's ( true or not true beef in their products ) ,and songs about the violence and gangsters in Compton , Calif or Seattle.

Abdu said...

Some adult think that some of today's music is just has a beat with bad words. And all songs have a negative effect on their children. Some people agree with that and some don't because they think some music that popular today don’t have nice words or expressions, just have a strong beat, which you can dance with it.
I think that the author means all generations have a different style of music they listen to. So, when someone listens to a new kind of music and it is a different with what his parents listen to, they think that the new kind of music makes their son rebelled. And they will try to make some rules for their son what he can listen to. According to the article when the author mentions a song has words that comforts sons to be rebel, remember Jim Morrison's hammy Oedipal psychodrama in the door "The End"(1967): "Father, I want to kill you! Mother, I want to… arrgh", this song won't be acceptable to the parents. If the son listens to the same kind of music in his parents' generation, her parents won't think this will make their son rebelled because they have been listening to. The thing that is funny here, every generation thinks that the music they listen to doesn’t make the sons or children rebelled.

The author mentions that today's music rebels against society as in the 1960s and '70s when the fashionably rebellious attitude was to celebrate differences, to elevate the condition of women. And develop tools that vilest of your grandparents' day in the vilest language of your won.

Abdu said...

I agree with jake's opinion all young people like to do what they want to do. I think it’s natural because it's period everyone have to live that age. Also, they don’t like to under the control form their parents. Michelle mentions there is a generation gap between adults and children, which makes a difference thinking how both the adults and young look in their life

Ami said...

Some adults are offended with some of today's music because of its lyrics. Its lyrics are becoming more rebellious and also dirty. However, children want to listen to it. It is because children want to get out from the boundaries which their parents made. That is why some adults are upset about today's music. In old times, the music which our parents' generation listened to was considered to be rebellious even though it is not today. That is what the author mentioned in paragraph 3. In addition, author mentioned that today's music rebels against political correctness. Politicians are afraid of being offended with any person. In the 1960s and '70s, to be rebellious was to celebrate differences. It means they supported minorities. However, Today's music rebels these people. For example, women and gays are the target.

Ami said...

I liked Abdu's idea, especially the first one.
Some adults dislike the beat with bad words.
I also liked Jake's idea. Young people must want to be independent and unique

April said...

According to the passage, today's music is offensive to old generation. Hip-hop usually does. Because of a generation, young people have different thoughts with their parents. In my opinion, they have their insistances and individuality so they do not like to obey their parents. Also, they want to become independent from their parents. Thus, they express their disobedience and rebellion in their music.

"Things get ratcheted up a notch with every generation. You're not rebelling if you're listening to the same stuff your parents did." I think it means old and young generations do not understand each other, and they think only their own opinions are right. As old genereation does not like young people's music and they think the music is bad, young people think that old generation's music is old- fashioned. They should stop criticizing and try to understand each other.

Author describe today's music rebel the society. The music against political correctness, such as elevating condition of woman, minorities and gays.

April said...
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Vitran said...

Generation after generation have already had some difference. Young men always are attract by exceptional, strong and even unusual things including in sex, violence, etc, while adult love something different, moral. So they love pop and try their best to keep it in the way they need . However, today's music have more sex, violence and something bad, for example, " Father, I want to kill you!" in Oedipal psychodrama or Johnny Cash's ever sang of shooting a man in Reno "just to watch him die", etc. Today's music shows rebellion of the young men to against adult who is consider outdated. "Things get ratcheted up a notch with every generation". This caused the parents really concern about bad influences when their children are listening to one kind of bad music which they can't understand. In other side, today's music rebels against society by excess and greed are uphold and gay, lesbian, minorities are mark deeply. That means they make a counterculture rebel.

Vitran said...

Generation after generation have already had some difference. Young men always are attract by exceptional, strong and even unusual things including in sex, violence, etc, while adult love something different, moral. So they love pop and try their best to keep it in the way they need . However, today's music have more sex, violence and something bad, for example, " Father, I want to kill you!" in Oedipal psychodrama or Johnny Cash's ever sang of shooting a man in Reno "just to watch him die", etc. Today's music shows rebellion of the young men to against adult who is consider outdated. "Things get ratcheted up a notch with every generation". This caused the parents really concern about bad influences when their children are listening to one kind of bad music which they can't understand. In other side, today's music rebels against society by excess and greed are uphold and gay, lesbian, minorities are mark deeply. That means they make a counterculture rebel.

Jake said...

I almost agree with sam's opinion, but one thing i did not agree is that pop music is always rebellious. I do not think every pop music is rebellious. For example, in these days, lots of pop musics describe relationship about couple. Thus, I think some kind of music is rebellious but not every thing.

thanh hai said...

I am so sorry Miss Golden. I have a trouble with my Internet

thanh hai said...
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thanh hai said...

Why is some of today's music offensive to some adults? In my opinion, the first reason is the lyrics of today's songs sometime have no meaning. For example, the song " Who let the dog out?" has very interesting sound, but even I heard this song so many times I can not understand what they want to tell me. Moreover, lyrics are used bad words or slang to compose. Thus, this music is offensive to adults. In addition, today's music often has violent or rebellious content. Finally, I think the way that singers sing is also main reason make adult do not like it. Hip Hoppers or Rappers usually wear weird cloths when they sing. They also make adults think that they are really fashionable but adults sometimes think that these singers are crazy. There are some reasons that I can answers for the first question.

April said...

I agree with Jake's idea right on this comment. Of course, I agree many parts of Sam's opinions, too. However, lots of pop music has bright messeges such as peace, love and friendship.

thanh hai said...

According to the paragraph three of the reading, I think that the author indicate that the young people are always want to do differently or against some things adults do. Young people do not want to do the same and they do not want to follow any rules. They just want to do whatever they like. For example, they don't want listen to adult's music.

thanh hai said...

The author indicated that today's music rebels against society by give many examples. Two of these are today's music stimulate violent and counterculture rebel.

thanh hai said...

I agree with Mr Dat that. There are the gap between youths and adults. It is also the opinion of almost all others as well. Young people want to be rebellious and they do want to follow any rules. They create new styles for themselves by singing.

mehdi said...

If we want to consider deeply, I should say that there is rebellion in different aspects of daily life.
When parents push their children go to school or continue their study and when teenager refuse do that, it can be kind of rebellion. Also when children under 18 drink alcohol in the party is a rebellion against the Law.
I think there is lots of rebellion in our life but because of repeating them they don’t seem rebellion.

mehdi said...

If we want to consider deeply, I should say that there is rebellion in different aspects of daily life.
When parents push their children go to school or continue their study and when children refuse do that, it can be kind of rebellion. Also when teenager under 18 drink alcohol in the party is a rebellion against the Law.
I think there is lots of rebellion in our life but because of repeating them they don’t seem rebellion.

Kristin Golden said...

I enjoyed reading your comments. Next week, we will not be discussing the reading in detail during class, so it will be even more important that you read carefully and use the "blog" to help you better understand the reading before the quiz on Thursday on Reading #2. Great start.
~Miss Golden